
Toronto Community Network operates on principles of transparency, so most of our work is conducted in public digital spaces. The exception to this rule is when managing with personal information and sensitive information of our supporters and collaborators. This document describes our policy is finding the balance between working openly and restrictive access to certain information.

Document Management

We store our documents on two main platforms:

  1. Our Toronto Mesh GitHub hosts our main organizing repository in addition other repositories for more specific content, like data about our community network nodes.
  2. Our self-hosted Nextcloud drive contains two folders with different access levels:
    • tomeshnet stores semi-public information. Any Toronto Mesh member gets full access.
    • tomeshnet-trusted stores sensitive information, such as contact lists containing personal information and collaborator contracts that are explicitly asked to be kept private. Only active members with more than one year of contribution in our working groups have access to this folder, and access shall be revoked when the member is no longer actively involved with the project. In special cases, access may be allowed to specific members with less history as contributor on an as-needed basis, by approval of the Organizational and Program Governance Working Group.

Communication Policy

In general, we copy email and other communication to a working group address, for reasons of transparency and information redundancy. However, there are times when we seek to contain communication to a small group (for example, engaging new prospective collaborators, handling Code of Conduct violations). In these instances, we seek to keep groups to at least 3 members--one as lead, two copied, and have these roles listed on our contact sheet. Here is our communication policy in order of preference:

  1. Copied to appropriate working group.
  2. Copied to two others.
  3. Temporarily individual, but move to high redundancy as soon as possible.

Meeting Recording

In general, we do not record our meetings, but for workshops/interviews we have three options in order of preference:

  1. Public recorded session with unrecorded discussion in the end (for example, publish on "YouTube").
  2. Private recorded session with unrecorded discussion in the end (for example, archive to our member Nextcloud).
  3. Unrecorded session.

This is a choice of the facilitator/presenter of the session. Where possible, we will publish to a platform with closed captioning for accessibility.

In general, we have recorded sessions at our recorded BigBlueButton room, where a disclaimer is presented when someone enters the room.

Network Data